Friday, September 28, 2012


Current weight: 161.2

I had a revelation earlier today: The hardest thing about PWS is that outsiders don't help you like they should (i.e. not watching as closely, giving extra snacks because they 'feel bad', etc.) and the person with PWS doesn't help you either because they are constantly trying to go behind your back and sneak food.  You're the lone person standing at the end of a very heavy tug-o-war rope with the rest of the world on the other end.

We have been having a bit of a rough time lately.  We pulled K out of her public school and her dad is now home schooling her (he has his bachelor's degree in education and most of his master's degree at this point).  It was getting to where every single day she was coming home with food in her bag or on the bus or we would find out she got into something.  A 20 oz Mountain Dew bottle that was mostly empty that she had gotten, of all places, in PE class was the final straw.  She had only been in school for about 3 weeks and there were several instances already.  We just decided the best course of action for her was to pull her out.

Then today, as I periodically do, I looked under her pillow and around her bed which is where she likes to hide any food wrappers she has managed to get into.  I found a wrapper for Ritz crackers with cheese (the sandwich kind) that was 150 calories.  She said she got it in my room.  Then I search her backpack and find 3 wrappers: One for shredded Parmesan cheese, one for a whole block of Gouda cheese, and the other was a Ziploc baggie with unknown contents as all that was left were crumbs.  Now, I know these 3 did not come from me.  I have never in my life bought Gouda cheese and I buy my shredded parm in a plastic container, not a bag.  So I am thinking maybe these were just left overs from school, but I ask her anyway (something I feel is important to do because I need to know where it comes from so I can make changes) and she said the garbage.  Are you kidding me?  The f'ing garbage??  So disgusting.  Her dad had been having her help by taking out the non-food trash and this is what happened.  So now there's another thing to change.

Things around here with her have been really tough lately and as a family we're in a little bit of a difficult place with her.  I am hoping things get better soon because living like this is really not fun.

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