Monday, September 17, 2012

Why don't they listen?

Current weight: Unsure

Why do people not listen or think they know better when you tell them how they have to deal with someone who has PWS?  Don't they understand that no one knows better than family members what that person needs, how they act, how sneaky they are, etc.?

I am at the point where I want to rip out my hair out of sheer frustration at the whole situation.  K's new school started out fine (as it always does) but then she gets comfortable, starts to see consistent areas where she can exploit and get food.  This past week, we already had 3 instances of food issues.  THREE.  In one week.  I am just so tired and so frustrated.  I don't know how to continue living with the stress of this.  It is too much to home school her because she is just so difficult, but sending her to school is equally bad.  There is no winning in this situation.

I need to get going on all her paperwork and fast.  I need to have a plan for the future in place.  Right now everything feels so up in the air and that combined with my frustration is just a bad situation to be in.

1 comment:

  1. I love you. You are a strong woman and can handle this, just take a deep breath and take it one thing at a time. I can't stress enough that it is only temporary problems and it will get easier and better soon. XO sister dear!
