Sunday, July 15, 2012

Day 6

July 14, 2012

Current weight: 170.8
Weight lost: 5.2

1 c Cheerios (100)
1/2 c raspberries (42)
1/2 c 1% milk (55)
Total: 197

4 piece chicken nuggets from McDonald's (190)
Sliced apples (15)
Child's size diet coke (0)
Total: 205

1 Hawaiian bread hamburger bun (250)
1/4 c macoroni salad (110)
1 hamburger patty (~250 calories)
1 piece of lettuce (0)
1 tsp mustard (5)
4 slices pickles (0)
1 slice onion (0)
Crystal lite (0)
Total: 615


1/2 hour walking dogs
1 1/2 hours walking tour of mining museum

Today was a tough day eating-wise because we went on a tour of a museum around lunch time and so ate out.  Her lunch wasn't as nutritionally complete as I generally try to make her meals but it was good calorie-wise.  Dinner was also eaten out at a family BBQ.  I am not sure of the amount of calories that were in the burger patty, so I am just guessing at 250.  She didn't get a snack today because dinner calories were so high.  She did walk around for an hour and a half straight at the walking tour today and took the dogs out a few times.  We didn't do any true structured exercise, though.  We will see how it plays out on the scale in the morning.  So far she has been doing amazing with the weight loss.

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