Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Day 9

Current weight: 170.4
Weight lost: 5.6

1 container of honey vanilla 0% fat Greek yogurt (150)
1/4 c Cheerios (25)
1/4 c blueberries (21)
1 slice low-calorie whole wheat toast (45)
1 fruit cup in water (70)
1 Talking Rain Ice (0)
Total: 311

2 c Progresso chicken & dumplings light soup (160)
1 c broccoli florets (20)
1 nectarine (60)
2 c 94% fat free popcorn (30)
Crystal Lite (0)
Total: 270

Enjoying lunch :)

1 slice low calorie bread, toasted (45)
3 oz boiled boneless, skinless chicken breast (135)
1 tbsp BBQ sauce (30)
1 c sugar snap peas, whole (26)
1 Cascade Ice (0)
1/2 c coleslaw without dressing (10)
1 Otter Pop (40)
Total: 286


1/2 hour walking dogs
1/2 hour walking around the block twice (appx. 0.8 miles, uphill/downhill).
15 minutes doing stairs (6 times up and down).

Total was another day of hardly any change on the scale.  She was down from yesterday but only slightly and still up from the day before.  I got some advice on diet and am going to give her slightly more food in the hopes that this will help with her weight loss.  I also am planning on ramping up the exercise some today.  I am thinking about putting restrictions on TV time as well as internet time.  So far she has earned about 5 hours of computer time so far and has yet to use any.  I think this is because she is substituting TV for internet/computer time.  I would like to get her to be more physically active but it is difficult because she will literally do nothing but sit there all day if I don't make her.

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